Thursday, June 26, 2008


Perkins' fever grows ever worse and I fear we shall have to kill him soon in order that the rest of us may eat... Now that's a blog!

Anyhoo, I have arrived safely. It is 9.10am Friday local time as I write. I have just finished my complimentary breakfast of toast, eggs and coffee. It took 24 hours to travel from door to door so to speak. Reminded me of travelling to work from Cavan every morning.

I was sweating like a running tap yesterday, the heat is something else but I am loving it at the same time. It should take a few days to adjust to the heat and get over the jet lag. My mobile phone won't work so I managed to pick up a second hand one for 1300 baht (26 euro) including sim card. I only had to go back to the guy three times in order to get it working correctly. Sweat was literally dripping off me onto the counter as we tried to communicate to each other how international and local dial codes work. He kept smiling and saying to me, 'You are very hot'. I hope he was referring to my fecund perspiration rather than my natural Irish good looks.

I only realised last night when I went to charge my laptop that I left half of the lead at home!!!! I am going to attempt to buy a lead today if possible. There is lots to see but I am taking it easy and just concentrating on getting my body adjusted to heat and time difference etc. More time can be spent on sightseeing etc after the course and hopefully by then I will have some companions with whom I can travel.

Willoughby says that the locals believe Perkins to be possessed by an evil spirit. I pray to God Almighty that He will take Perkins from us soon and lighten our load.....

Until my next communication, may the angels protect you dear Mina.

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