Sunday, July 13, 2008

Under pressure

12.43am Monday 14th July 2008
I'm really up against it at the moment. I am working on my second assignment at the moment; it is due tomorrow. I am expecting my first assignment to be handed back to me tomorrow to be done again. My third assignment is due this Friday and I haven't even looked at it yet. I also have three classes this week and I need to produce lesson plans for them also. Therefore it is next to impossible for me to post any blogs this week. I can't wait for the next two weeks to be over and hopefully by some miracle get a pass grade.I will throw up one or two photos now and a short film clip, hopefully it will work. The pictures are of Neng our invaluable taxi driver with Andrew, one of the students here. Andrew is from Texas. There is a picture of the biggest beetle I have ever seen in my life. He was out for a morning stroll apparently but I think he may have been checking to see if any of the doors to the bedrooms were open. The photo doesn't really do justice to the size of him. The other picture is a snapshot of the busy beavers here in the resource room. The film clip was taken on Moon Meung Road at the Tae Phae gate on the moat. You can see some of the people I'm studying with. The guy sitting down and looking pissed off is Aaron.I had a brief word with the guy who runs this place about the food being served. One of my tutors did too as it was pretty obvious that I would die soon from either starvation, diabetes (too much coca cola) or lung cancer (a carton of cigarettes costs only 12 euro!). I am hoping to be served baked beans, sausages and the like for tomorrow's dinner.
My foot is okay now. The anti-biotics have worked.
Well I gotta go and try to make it through bootcamp.Toodle pip chums. I will try to blog again soon.

P.S I tried post the film clip and the computer went apeshit. Oh well....


Unknown said...

We just don't appreciate our bugs here......I wouldn't stand on him for fear of him breaking my leg. Are you sure it wasn't him that took a bite out of you?

Alison said...

I don't feel so bad about that half inch spider sitting in my downstairs loo now! Glad to hear that they are trying to fatten you up. Good luck with the assignments and lesson plans...